Mar 31, 2012

Wet Market 街市

I finally went to the wet (traditional) market in my neighborhood which I have passed by million times. Not that I don't have to buy food but I prefer supermarkets. Why? Cos supermarkets are neat and clean and without that "special" smell. BUT... whenever I go to other countries, even in the third world, I love to visit their wet markets and take pictures. What kind of concepts do I have in mind? How come I never take pictures of my local markets? Maybe I should try but would I be beaten up?

Actually, the wet markets are better since the people there love to get to your personal needs.

我終於去了住所附近的街市,這街市我已經路過千千萬萬遍,每次都過門不入,不是不用買食物,只是我較喜歡超級市場。原因何在?因為超級市場比較整齊清潔,沒有那般怪怪的氣味。但是,當我到別處旅遊時,即使到落後的國家,卻不得不到當地的街市逛逛、拍照。真的想不透腦袋裝着什麼,為什麼自家的卻不稍一顧?也許是時候拍個照... 但會被打嗎?


From Florence, Italy 意大利‧翡冷翠

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